
О работах

There are so many things about your stories to praise. You put your intelligent thoughts into words. You shared your worries about the future of your planet and emphasized that humans have to take decisions. Speaking out is so important today when so many issues are urgent and no time is left to hesitate. You demonstrated your awareness of infinite responsibility of us, humans, for life that is endangered, unless we are smart and human enough to prevent it from vanishing into thin air of the Universe, which would stay dark and cold but for us, humans… Thank you!

Margarita Kokoreva

Chronicles of one century is a collection of short stories, but not slight ones, since they provide a valuable insight into the way Generation Z looks at the future, however dim it may appear, and lifts the painted veil which covers their inner thoughts and doubts. Like Jerome David Salinger, all the authors write with shattering emotional acuity which makes us care about their characters, and, like Neil Gaiman, they make us completely believe in the unfolding story. All this makes Chronicles of one century a powerful reading experience.

Elena Kapustkina

В сборник вошли рассказы молодых «цифровых людей». Было интересно посмотреть на будущее их глазами. Здесь представлена и научная тематика – физика, химия, астрономия и нейробиология. Здесь и Город-Рай, ради которого не грех и жизнью пожертвовать. Здесь извечные вопросы любви и дружбы, острее всего прочувствованные в 15 лет. И именно здесь Вселенскому Злу, размером с большую черную лужу, противопоставлена капля человеческой крови –живой, трепещущей и искупительной.

Ирина Василевская

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